Marie-Pascale Gafinen –

Visual Scribing

Live Drawing at Events


Change needs exchange.

If we want to change society, we need strong containers where different opinions can meet and we can find common ground. We need open spaces to envision positive visions for the future. And we need save holding spaces to cope with what is going on around us, to process what happened in the past – and to heal on individual and collective level.

Generative Scribing helps to create these spaces and have these conversations.

Foto: Marco Ehrhardt

What is Generative Scribing?

Visual Scribing

means visually representing what people are saying on a large scale, as they speak. In practical terms, this means that I am in the room with you during a meeting, group or panel discussion and I capture the key points of the conversation in drawings and writing. There are several terms for this method. In Europe, where I work, people call it  “Graphic Recording” or “Visual Notetaking”.

Foto: WorldEthicForum

Generative Scribing

extends this process to deeper levels of listening. I connect deeply with the social field in the room and sense into the emotions and dynamics that are present in the room. I take it all in, let it go through me, and express it in my large scale drawing. It’s a bit like the work of a midwife for thoughts: I help to bring out what is already there but not outspoken yet. I support the group in reaching their highest future potential.
Generative Scribing and was developed by my dear colleague and teacher Kelvy Bird and is based on the Theory U framework.

I offer both Generative Scribing and classic Graphic Recording.

Here’s what I do:

I witness the process and support you in holding the space.

I mirror what’s going on: I perceive the motions and dynamics in the room and make them explicit by including them into the visual. By doing so, I help the system see itself.

I record key points of the spoken content and thereby harvest valuable results.

I structure the content and show cross-topic and cross-spreaker links between individual statements. This makes it easy for you to identify commonalities and meta-themes.

I create an overview of what has been said so that you can see new perspectives, unexpected connections and blind spots.

I translate verbal content into visual language. This helps you to process the content with different parts of your brain, inspiring you to come up with new ideas.

Work samples

Graphic Recording Gleichstellung Equality Münster

Generative Scribing Soziodrama Covid Jörg Jelden

Graphic Recording Climate Alliance Digital Days

Generative Scrining Regenerative Economy

Let’s make meaning together!

During the event I am happy to present my results to the group. As external it’s easier not to get lost in the details, instead I can give you a Bird’s eye view of your topics. This walkthrough can serve as a recap before a final panel or as a wrap-up for the day. I am also happy to guide the group through a visual resonance: The image will likely spark thoughts, evoke images in your head and trigger emotions. By verbalising them they become explicit and can enrich the image and the conversation – a generative loop.

Deep Listening

Although the drawing is what gets the most attention a big part of my work is listening.
It has been scientifically proven, that the knowledge-action gap we are facing with topics like Climate Change can not be bridged with more facts and data. To spark action we need to reach people emotionally. For that reason, I don’t only base my visuals on the hard facts that have been spoken but also take other input into account, like the atmosphere in the room, the dynamics of a group, and the silence when things don’t seem to be outspoken.

I listen with my whole body and all my senses.

Integrating Facts and Emotions

You can regard my sensing capacity on different frequencies as a toolbox for diverse situations. Depending on the setting and the situation I will attune to and visualize what helps the group. This will result in different visual representations, sometimes figurative other times abstract. Of course we will discuss your wishes and needs in a briefing upfront and I will take them into account as I draw.

A visual as an Artifact

Once the event is over you want to make the most of the results: You want to share them with partners or your target audiences, perhaps create awareness for your cause via social or traditional media. Now you have a visual record to do all that in an attractive and easy digestible way! In addition, the image helps you, and everyone who participated in the conversation remember the experience. It serves as an artifact that can reconnect you with the momentum and atmosphere of the group when you return to your everyday life.

How I work

Analogue or Digital

I can either work with markers on paper or digitally on an iPad. Both is possible either in the physical room with you or streamed online.

Drawing Diversity

I value diversity and the equality of all humans is one of my core values. Therefore  you will see figures of all genders, body shapes, Ethnicities and ages in my drawings.

In Hamburg and Internationally

To keep the Carbon Footprint of my business low, I avoid airplanes and travel to my clients by train instead – and sometimes even by bike!

This is how a Graphic Recording job works


Request quote

Use my contact form to tell me the key data of your event so I can check my availability.



If I am available we schedule a first call to discuss the setting and  agenda of your event.



I send you a written quote and if you decide to book me you simply confirm it via email.



I will ask you questions about the ins and outs of your event so that I can prepare accordingly.



On the event day I draw live on site or online, so you see how the image is created.


Clean up

I digitize and cleanup analogue images and give digital ones some finishing touches.



I will invoice you for the agreed amount.



Newsletter, Social Media, Brochures – use the final image wherever you talk about your event!

Graphic Recording at the online kickoff of the National Bio-research Forum in Swizerland
“I want to tell you again how impressed I was and am.
I have rarely experienced someone listening and observing so sensitively. Change is more than content – change happens on the content side and in and between people. You have mastered the art of linking perceptions and content and putting them on paper.
Thank you for accompanying us yesterday!”
Katrin Hauser

President, scaling4good

Generative Scribing during a sociodrama on Climate Emergency
“It’s really great to have an artifact after an intense experience that expresses the mood and dynamics so beautifully.”
Jörg Jelden

Co-Founder, komfortzonen

a quote!

Let me know the keydates of your event so I can check my availability.

5 + 9 =

Don’t like forms?

Please let me now what kind of event you are planning, the topic and where and when it takes place.


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